
Creare gratis un sito web

  Crea il tuo sito web Gratis con Flazio .com , l'unica piattaforma italiana che ti permette di creare un sito internet unico e in poco tempo. Provaci oggi stesso! Nessun limite alla tua creatività, potrai creare un sito per ogni esigenza : un sito vetrina per la tua azienda, e-commerce per vendere online i tuoi prodotti, booking per ricevere prenotazioni online oppure un blog per pubblicare i tuoi articoli. Inizia da un template e personalizza ogni elemento per creare il sito internet che desideri. Grazie all'innovativo sistema Drag&Drop dovrai solo aggiungere immagini, video, mappe o testi semplicemente trascinandoli nel tuo sito oppure modificare gli elementi già presenti. Avrai a disposizione tutte le funzionalità che ti serviranno per realizzare un sito web gratis .  Grazie alla tecnologia Drag e Drop potrai  creare il sito web della tua attività e iniziare oggi stesso a promuovere il tuo business online. Non ti occorre un ...

Le migliori cabine armadio in Italia


Jupiter and Saturn aligned

  Jupiter and Saturn aligned on December 21st. It is the Christmas star. Visible today, the day of the winter solstice, between 5 pm and 6 pm. A phenomenon that has not been repeated for almost four hundred years. In addition, you can also admire the alignment between the Moon and Mars. If, towards the time of sunset, you look at the horizon down towards the southwest, you can observe with the naked eye the very close conjunction of the giant planets of our solar system: Jupiter and Saturn. These planets will be seen with the naked eye but they will be indistinguishable individually because they will appear superimposed. The unusual astronomical phenomenon is naturally only an effect of perspective. Jupiter and Saturn will actually be nearly a billion kilometers apart. But the truly extraordinary thing is that Saturn, Jupiter and Earth will be on the same line.

Richiedere un risarcimento per i tuoi voli in ritardo o cancellati

  Richiedi il risarcimento per i tuoi voli in ritardo o cancellati I ritardi aerei possono capitare, ma ciò non significa che bisogna accettarli. Potresti avere diritto a 600€ di risarcimento per ogni volo in ritardo, cancellato o in overbooking degli ultimi 3 anni. Contatta AirHelp e fatti assistere:

Save money with Booking platform

When it comes to booking a hotel it is advisable to go on the safe side and use a reliable platform .  And the best choice, in terms of quality and convenience, is undoubted: is the world's first and largest platform for booking hotels, apartments, hostels and any other form of hotel's reception.  Not only you can find the widest possible choice, but you also find the best prices, and above all, it is a safe and reliable platform, where you do not run risks of any kind.  Now you can also save € 15 on your next booking, using this link:  Just click on this link, look for your convenience hotel, book it, then  will credit you € 15 to your credit card.  Easy, simple, safe!

Interesting investment opportunity in the Philippines

Hotel for sale in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines.    15 Bedroom Hotel / Resort for sale in Bancao-Bancao, Palawan Recently renovated, ready for fully operating. 3 lots: the biggest one with the reception and the rooms, a medium one for breakfast, and a little one as a bar. 500 mt far from the beach. 10 minutes from the airport.

CNN Online dating study

CNN just published a post about online dating whose title is:  Are you chasing people 'out of your league'? Online daters tend to pursue users who are roughly 25% "more desirable" than they are -- and, by the looks of their messages, many are well aware of the "hierarchy," according to a study published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances. The study found that the higher up we reach, the longer our messages tend to get -- and the less likely we'll get a message back.